Wednesday 26 September 2012


Tarantino is my favourite director, one of the most recognisable directors of our generation and no doubt the most influential. "Tarantino has a unique style of directing which favors an unconventional approach." "He often uses flashbacks and/or a chapter format to develop a plot." "His work distinctly couples graphic violence with extensive, narrative-like dialogue. His films require audiences to listen attentively to exchanges while giving them the luxury to simply sit back and absorb dazzling audio and visual theatrics." Perfectly summed up by Wash Burn Review. This Kill Bill tracking scene is just spectacular. Tarantino is a genius. I have not seen the film before but in this one shot he manages to incorporate several different characters and I am able to almost give each one an identity. It is clear what type of character they play, their role within the film and he also cleverly portrays their personality. At the beginning when the camera is at birds eye view looking down on the female character, (who is clearly the protagonist)I felt as though I was following her lead, quietly sneaking along beside her. The positioning of the camera was as if it had been tucked away and was spying, making me as an audience feel as though -just like the female in the film seemed to not want to be seen by someone in particular- I too was keeping a low profile. The way in which Tarantino engrosses his audience like that and really makes us feel involved is amazing. The secretive camera angles also added to the tense atmosphere of the tracking shot.

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