Monday 25 March 2013


This advert is raising awareness of how some young girls are treated by boys/men this is a great example of how hard emotive images are quite difficult to watch and as a result discouraging a particular audience (In the case of this advert and my thriller, a male audience is discouraged). 

Girls may also be able to relate to some of the things that happen to Robyn in my thriller which may also be another reason why it is targeted more towards a female audience. 
In most films it is the gender of the protagonist that is then a basis for the gender of the audience. For example, James Bond is targeted more towards men as Bond himself is a male character whom other men will aspire to be and therefore they will make more of an effort to watch the film then females.

Another demographic that will target a particular audience with my thriller is age. Age is a demographic that is fairly obvious in targeting an audience as there are a lot of stereotypes associated with youths.

My thriller targets the ages 16-24 years old. I think this is a suitable age group to target because people around this age are able to identify with specific aspects of my film for example characters, action, themes, location etc. The main characters that are on screen at the beginning of thriller dominating the mise en scene are the three characters Robyn, Craig and Mike. All three of these characters are around this age group therefore people can relate to each of them. 
When thinking about my target demographic of age, I particularly took into account character types and themes of the thriller and what my target age group would like to see. I thought about the types of thriller films and TV programs that this age group may watch and looked into the events and themes represented in them. 
The main events and themes of my thriller are very similar to ones that occur in the film Taken, for example a kidnapping of a young girl by a group looking to use her. Because of this it makes sense to look at the ratings and votes for the film to determine the age range for its target audience. The film accumulated most of its votes from males and females under the age of 18. This gives me a very good idea of the type of thrillers that this particular audience (those 16-24 years old) watch. Because of this I am able to look at events, themes and characters in Taken as a template for finding out the kinds of things that this audience would want to see. 

The girl who is kidnapped in Taken is very young and fragile looking. She is just a healthy normal girl who girls around the ages of 16-24 will be able to identify with. 

In my thriller Robyn is a very normal looking girl who is also very young. I think because of this it is very easy for girls in the audience (of a similar age) to be able to put themselves in her shoes and sympathise with her. This may make them feel some what attached to the character and engage them more in the film provoking necessary emotions throughout. 

There is also however a more mature character in taken which attracts a more mature audience. It shows that the film is not strictly for a younger audience and suggests that people who are older may also like the film. 
Liam Neeson is similar to my character Mike in Deliverer as he is a very morally ambiguous character. This type of character will target an older audience ensuring that age group also is able to identify with a particular character in my thriller. If this was not so, or if Mike and Craig (to two male roles) were a lot younger I think that my age range for my target audience would be a lot more narrow and I do not think that I would of been able to target my thriller any higher than an age of 18 as it would be a thriller consisting of young characters targeting a young audience.

Mike and Craig are the characters in my thriller that balance it out ensuring that it is not a thriller purely for a youthful audience and make it a thriller suitable to target the age rang of 16-24.

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